American Loop Services is the leader in commercial induction loop services. We install loop systems in churches, synagogues, temples, theaters, town halls, senior centers, schools and many other venues across the country. All of our installations meet or exceed the latest international standards for loop installations. In 2007 the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) produced a heavily revised standard – IEC 60118-4 – for the performance of induction loop systems in any assistive listening application. This standard is being adopted across the world as the reference for loop system performance. American Loop Services strongly believes that all installations should meet the requirements of IEC 60118-4. For this to be possible the standard must be considered during specification, design, and installation of the system. Additionally, all of our installations are coordinated with local hearing professionals. This assures that the users have the maximum benefit from the system. We provide service from the initial design to checking the hearing aid and training the staff and users.
We have trained professional installers around the country and we will travel to locations around the country for commercial installations of wireless hearing loops at no additional cost. We provide equipment to trained professional installers. We also provide technical support for ongoing and future projects as well as trouble shooting.
This company is owned and managed by a service connected disabled veteran. Scott Peyton is a 15 year veteran in the Army Corps of Engineers. During this time he built, advised, and facilitated major construction projects and techniques throughout Europe and the United States. He now applies this knowledge towards the design and installation of commercial loop systems. He holds a Masters degree in Business from Webster University and several undergraduate degrees from Drury College. Scott has worked as the Executive Director of a local deaf and hard of hearing non-profit service organization. Scott Peyton is also the parent of a disabled child. He has been advocating and assisting others for all of his adult life. He is an active member of his church and is always honored to help bring the Word more clearly to those in all houses of worship.
Just wanted you to know that we saw our first benefit of the system tonight. A young lady with only 20% hearing attended services tonight. (has a t-coil aid) Her husband said that she heard the music and service for the first time in 7 years. She was amazed and teary-eyed when she left. I had her to walk to several areas of the sanctuary after the service while I played music. Several of us watched her as she had a big smile as she listened throughout the building... she didn't seem to want to leave! The church realized the benefits of the effort in one simple instance.
I do not have to be exhausted trying to watch TV anymore. I can relax and enjoy what I have been missing. It is absolutely the most wonderful experience.
It is absolutely the most wonderful experience. American Loops has been so nice to work with. They always seem to really care!
My favorite comment comes from a Korean War vet who has worn hearing aids for a very long time. Upon attending an HLAA meeting 2 years ago where a loop was in use, he became very agitated and angry. His comment was; “If I had withheld this kind of information from my clients I would have been sued.” He was ready to go out an strangle his audiologist. Further, he commented; “I could have had a much better life for the past 20 years had I know about this.” He honestly felt he had been deprived of 20+ years of quality life because his audiologist did not tell him about what telecoils could do. I regret that our SHHH/HLAA chapter did not meet this man in his prime as he would have been one Hell of an advocate for all of us. I have to believe there are many, many more people like this out there. Seriously, it’s a crime that this information has not been standard in audiological consulatations… for years. It seems that people should have to ‘sign off’ on receiving such information if they don’t want to get ALL the information available to them.
Romans 10:17
So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.